Cambridge Discount Brokerage, Inc.
Cambridge Discount Brokerage, Inc. offers competitive rates and convenient service for investors who buy and sell personally selected securities.
Our two methods of trading, broker assisted and internet, offer you the best and most effective way to reach the capital markets.
Our internet trading platform provides real time account and market information with a low fee of $15 per equity order.
A broker is always available to assist you with trading during regular business hours.
Cambridge also offers a variety of products to suit your individual investment needs.
FIXED INCOMEñ unlisted corporate and municipal bonds, listed bonds, preferred stocks, and US Treasury and Agency obligations.
RETIREMENT PLANSñ IRAs, SEPs, and pension/profit sharing plans. Our IRAs have no annual fees.
MUTUAL FUNDSñ Choose from over 6000 mutual funds
with no transaction fee.
OPTIONSñ trading available through broker or internet.

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