Learn more about credit reporting and credit scores from other Experian credit education resources.
Ask Max is the credit reporting industry’s first consumer credit advice column. Maxine Sweet, Experian Vice President of Public Education, responds to consumer-submitted questions in a new column every two weeks.
Experian’s series of Reports on Credit gives you access to in-depth information on credit scores, how your credit affects you, and what you can do to manage your credit.
Experian is a global leader in providing value-added information solutions to organizations and consumers. Experian provides information, analytics, decision-making solutions and processing services. Using its comprehensive understanding of individuals, markets and economies, it helps organizations to find, develop and manage customer relationships to make their businesses more profitable. Experian promotes greater financial health and opportunity among consumers by enabling them to understand, manage and protect their personal information.

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Credit solutions
Profitably grow customer relationships with Experian’s information assets and expertise in risk management and credit marketing. Access an array of prospecting, scoring and modeling services. Streamline and enhance your collections efforts. Prevent fraud losses and increase revenue and profitability. Get the most reliable B2B credit information to determine creditworthiness and make insightful decisions about new customers.

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