Our real estate foreclosure listings include all types of pre-foreclosure and foreclosure homes, from properties in default, which represent possible short sale foreclosure opportunities, to foreclosure auctions, when a notice of sale has been filed against a property, to bank foreclosure homes — whether the bank has taken back property through a foreclosure sale or through a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
RealtyTrac’s nationwide database also allows you to search coast to coast for distressed properties. So whether you’re searching for Florida foreclosures or California foreclosures — or both — RealtyTrac can help you find foreclosure properties that match your criteria. You’ll find everything from bargain-basement Detroit foreclosures to high-end Santa Barbara foreclosures on RealtyTrac.
Our extensive foreclosure learning section starts by covering the most basic question: how does foreclosure work? From there you can find out almost anything you want to know about the world of home foreclosures, whether you are interested in buying a home in foreclosure or you are looking for free foreclosure help and assistance so that you can stop or avoid foreclosure. You can also delve into detailed information about more specific topics such as tax foreclosures, foreclosure loans, Fannie Mae foreclosures, wrongful foreclosure and much more.
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